
Gladstone MWita, Tanzania,
general practitioner

Amos Chiwaya, Malawi,
specialist nurse – anesthesia and intensive care

Kenedy Vedesto, Tanzania,
Clinical Officer (Clinical assistant physician)

Feredina John, Tanzania, specialist physician, obstetrics and gynecology.

Yadasa Namera, Etiopia, specialist nurse, ward nurse.

Aringo Doreen Daniel, South Sudan, nurse and also midwife.

Raphael Kazidule, Malawi, specialist nurse, epidemiology.

Dennis Mosha, Tanzania, specialist doctor, X-ray.

Adinathe James, Tanzania, nurse.

Guta Itana, Etiopia, specialist nurse, ward nurse.

Andrew Urassa, Tanzania, specialist doctor, urology.

Kingston Kapida, Malawi, pharmacist.

Enziane Vedasto, Tanzania, nurse.

Telila Hunde Mosa, Etiopien, specialist nurse, X-ray.

Mtondera Munthali, Malawi, took an MSc in Global Health. She works at the Mapale Health Center based on global experiences.

Dr. Teshale Ayana, Ethiopia, became a surgeon with orthopedic specialization. He works as a surgeon at Aira Hospital.

Zione Rania Banda, Malawi, took an MSc in the care of the seriously ill. She works at Queen Elisabeth Hospital in Blantyre.
No scholarship was completed

Tesgara Dinka, Ethiopia, became General Practitioner (BSc) He works at Aira Hospital

Tolossa Demisse Dibaba, Ethiopia became an anesthesia nurse (BSc). Works at Ras Desta Damtew Hospital, Adis Ababa.

Eva Shang’a, Tanzania, became an anesthetist (MSc) and thus promoted to head of clinic at Temeke Hospital.

Senait Berhanu, Ethiopia, trained in ear-nose-throat in Cape Town – She works at Yekatit 12 Hospital in Addis Ababa.

Djale Tesfaye, Ethiopia, became a midwife in 2016 but did not get such work until 2019 at Muka turi clinic in Selate Zone.

Cletus Nyamuguma, Tanzania, became a General Practitioner (BSc). He works as the sole physician and head of the Biharu Health Center.

Firomsa Yadete, Ethiopia, became a surgical and anesthesia nurse. He works at Aira Hospital.

Sintayehu Bire Oda, Ethiopia, became a nurse. He works at the Catholic clinic in Gosa.

Mulunesh Gemechus is now a midwife at degree level and works at Aira Hospital with the training of midwives.

Kenessa Getachew is an anesthesia nurse and continues to work at Aira Hospital. His ambition is a Master’s degree.

Omar Issa is an Assistant Medical Officer (anesthesia). After his course at KS in Stockholm, he works at Sinza Hospital in Dar es Salaam.
All from Ethiopia and Aira Hospital

Djalale Mosisa Dingeta, Midwife at degree level.

Iigayehu Gobana Wacho, Midwife at diploma level.

Kenessa Garasa, Health Officer (almost doctor)

Itiyane Negawo, Midwife at diploma level.

Dereje Tsegaye Hawetu, Administrator, ready for an MSC