Doreen Daniel
Doreen Daniel is from South Sudan and is studying to be a qualified midwife.

Zione Banda
Zione Rania Banda is a nurse at the BSc level. She works on the intensive care ward at the Queen Elisabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre in Malawi.
She will start a two year Master course in intensive care.
Read a presentation in her own words here

Yadasa Nemera
Yadasa Nemera works at present for Aira hospital as clinical nurse and even as head nurse on the medical care ward for the last six years. He has two children and his wife is also a nurse at Aira hospital. He has a great passion for keeping the medical equipment in good order.
Yadasa Nemera will now train to be a bio-medical engineer.

Guta Itana works as a nurse at Aira hospital and the last few years has even functioned as the unofficial dentist as there was no official hospital dentist. Guta’s wife is also a nurse at the hospital.
Guta is now going to train to be a dentist.

Dennis Mosha
Dennis Mosha works at Bagamoyo hospital in Tanzania as doctor and has worked on all the wards. He would like to become a specialist in diagnostic radiology (MSc in radiology).
The training takes three years and he hopes to get accepted by Muhimbili University. If his application is successful then he will start in September 2017.
The hospital has very good X-ray and ultra-sound equipment but as yet, no qualified staff.

Talila Hunde
Talila Hunde is studying in Addis Abeba to be an X-ray nurse with a four-year BSc course. Aira hospital is in great need of this function and EDUF is supporting Talila’s studies for a year. He has been a nurse at Aira hospital since 2012 and is born in Gerjo which is 9km from Aira.

Ayantu Tolessa
Ayanta Tolesa is a nurse at Aira hospital. She is going to train for a BSc in intensive care by doing summer courses for the next 4-5 years. EDUF has given her a loan for her first year.
Ayanta was born and has grown-up in the Aira area.
Read a presentation in her own words here
Tolossa Demisse Dibaba has shown ability and a great interest for medical work. The four-year training at the Addis Abeba University will make him a qualified nurse anesthetist during the summer of 2017. His training was extended by six months and EDUF has given him an extra grant to enable him to complete the course.

Eva Shang’a
Eva Yeriko Shang’a is a doctor and is studying to become a specialist in anesthetics and intensive care. She is studying at Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es-salam, Tanzania. Her studies will be finished in the summer of 2017 and she will then start working at Temeke Hospital, Tanzania as one of the sixteen anesthetists.
Eva has been recommended by Tim Baker of the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm. She is the first female student doctor that EDUF has been able to support.
Report from Eva Shang’a – march 2016

Teshale Yana
Teshale Yana is a doctor at Aira hospital. He is now studying to be an orthopedic specialist, a four-year course.
Dr. Erik Erichsen: There is a huge shortage of orthopedic surgeons in Ethiopia.
Dr. Tariku, Chief medical officer at Aira hospital (succeeding Dr.Erik Erichsen) : ”Dr.Teshale is our best candidate for orthopedic Surgery training. As our State government standardized our hospital, it is mandatory to have an Orthopedic Surgeon in the future.”

Senait Berhanu
Senait Berhanu is a nurse working at Yekatit 12 Hospital at the ear clinic in Addis Abeba.
Eva Nordblom from Akademiska hospital (Uppsala) has recommended her and she will start as an accompanying student nurse at the Groote Schuur hospital in Capetown. Her mentor there will be Colleen Grehan who is a legend in this field.